Monday, December 14, 2020

Booster and English Workshop and Activity: Christmas Wreaths

14th December 2020 

Christmas Wreath Workshop.

Our Enbooster and EWAC students were full of festive Christmas spirit singing well known English Christmas jingles and Crafting their own natural wreath from materials they collected at home.

Our students not only created handcrafted wreaths, they learned all about the origin of the Christmas wreath.

We dug deeper and explored how different countries all around the world use wreaths as a decoration not only for Christmas but for different seasons all year round.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Outdoor Jam Session

Let's Make Memories!

Our wonderful Year one students participated in an outdoor Jam session. 

Our students were smiling and laughing enjoying every moment to its fullest. 

We all learned the lyrics to the pop hit "Memories" by the famous American Pop band Maroon 5.
It gets better we even choreographed our own dance to go with it. 

Don't believe us have a look for yourself, we created a little video to have "Memories" to cherish