Monday, February 22, 2021

22nd February 

Music: Discover the different genres.

Music is all around us from morning to night.

We encouraged our EWAC students to use their love of music as a way to communicate in English. 

We dug down deep to the roots of our all-time Favorite music artists such as Queen, The Script, Ariana Grande and Eminem and used their energetic lyrics to help our students to have a better understanding of the English Language.

Not only did we explore the lyrics within the songs but we explored the roots of each artist their ensemble, style and sound with the use of descriptive vocabulary.

We explored and discovered different music genres such as Folk, Classical, Blues , Hip-Hop , Soul and Rock and Roll.

We didn't stop there we put our creativity into action and participated in a workshop where we crafted our own original vinyl and titled our Vinyl album to our preference of music genre and gave it a catchy title.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

English Workshop and Activity: Valentine's Day

 8th February 

St Valentine's Day Workshop

"love is in the air" 

Cupid struck his arrow our way! Our  EWAC students participated in a lovely Valentine's workshop to get that kind and caring attitude flowing.

We learned all about the story of St. Valentine, and how the tradition of the "letter from your Valentine" all started.

We never miss out on an opportunity to expand our students' English abilities with idioms and expressions .... we explored romantic heartfelt expressions to say to our loved ones along with Valentine Poems.  

And the cherry on top of the cake: we handcrafted our own St. Valentine cards with love.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Booster: Writing about our daily routines

 What do we do every day, and how do we describe it? That was our topic for Booster this week. Today we reviewed some of the everyday activities that occupy us in the morning, afternoon, evening, and at night. We interviewed a partner about their day and practiced writing questions and answers about our daily routines.